
2024-09-04 16:20 来源:奇闻网 点击:


As long as there have been countries there have been tensions with the neighbors. Sometimes this leads to war, other times to peaceful negotiation. And sometimes the conflict leads to giant boundary walls. These are the most influential and the most intimidating.只要有国家,就会有邻国间的分歧。



10.Korean Demilitarized Zone10.朝韩非军事区With the 1953 ease-fire that halted the Korean War, both sides agreed to split the peninsula at the front lines. This of course gave us North and South Korea. It was agreed that there would be a roughly two and a half mile buffer zone between the two where there would be no military fortifications. It's appropriately called the Demilitarized Zone, and it's currently the most fortified international border in the world. All along each half of the roughly 150 mile line is a constant string of outposts, fortifications and garrisons protecting against any possible act of hostility. The zone is virtually uninhabited except for two villages — Daesong-Dong on the south side, and Kjong-Dong on the north side. Kjong-Dong is the only village in North Korea visible from the south. However, it's clearly just a propaganda village, as all the buildings are nothing more than hollow shells that lack windows and interiors.1953年战争双方停火标志着朝鲜战争的结束,双方就以战争前线地区为界,划朝鲜半岛为两部分的问题达成一致。







Also within the zone is the famous village of Panmunjom. There are no permanent residents there, as it serves as a meeting place between the two sides. The border actually runs through the buildings where the two sides meet. It even runs right down the middle of the conference table so the sides can stay on their half. The DMZ has evolved into a dual purpose barrier. Initially its sole purpose was to protect each side from invasion, but as conditions in North Korea got worse the North beefed-up security on their side to ensure defectors wouldn't be able to cross. A minor bright spot is that since the zine is virtually uninhabited it's become a de facto wildlife sanctuary. Many species which were endangered have suddenly been able to thrive without humans around.著名的板门店村也在该区域范围内,作为朝韩的谈判场地,板门店村内没有永久居民。







9.Melilla and Cueta Border Fences9.梅利利亚和休达的边界围栏These two cities are Spanish enclaves along the Moroccan coast. It's the only land in Africa fully governed by a European nation, although Morocco has never recognized the independence of these two cities and has formally stated that both belong to them. They've also long been popular embarkation points for illegal immigrants and smugglers hoping to reach Europe.梅利利亚和休达是摩洛哥海沿岸的两个西班牙飞地。



Due to these factors, formidable fences were built to protect each city. There are two parallel fences spaced about 20 feet apart, each one 20 feet high and topped with razor wire. The Melilla barrier is approximately seven miles long, and the Cueta approximately five. They're easily monitored and patrolled, and both are lit up constantly at night. The European Union aided in the funding in the hope that it would deter illegal activity. Both have so far proven to be effective barriers, but they've increased tensions with Morocco, especially after 15 people died in a failed attempt to cross in 2005.出于对上述情况的考虑,为了保护这两座城市,人们筑起了巨大的边界围栏。






8.Maginot Line8.马其诺防线Shortly before World War II France justifiably feared invasion from Nazi Germany. Since northeastern France borders Germany, they dedicated a disproportionate amount of military resources to fortifying that border. All along the Maginot Line they built an elaborate series of bunkers, vehicle traps, guard towers and other fortifications strategically placed to make an invasion from the powerful German military very difficult.法国东北部与德国接壤,二战爆发前法国十分担心遭到纳粹德国入侵,因而投入了过多的军备资源来加强边防建设,建成了造价昂贵的马其诺防线。



Germany solved this problem by simply invading Belgium to the west and then entering France from the north. With so many of their military resources devoted to a now worthless barrier, France fell in just a few weeks. Many remnants of the Maginot line still exist today. After all, none of them were ever damaged in battle!由于大部分军事力量都投入到了这个几乎毫无价值的防御壁垒上,法国在短短几周之内就沦陷了。

马其诺防线的残躯一直留存至今,毕竟其并未经受战火的洗礼呀!7.Berlin Wall7.柏林墙The Berlin Wall is perhaps the most famous installment on this list, mainly because it was a literal symbol of the Iron Curtain. Its purpose wasn't to keep its enemies out, but rather its own people in. Built initially in 1961 as a single makeshift wall, it eventually evolved into the behemoth that's most familiar to the public.柏林墙或许是本榜单上最著名的建筑,大半因其是铁幕的代名词。



After World War II the allies divided Germany into four sections。

As the capital and largest city, Berlin was also divided。

West Berlin became a democratic enclave surrounded completely by communist East Germany。

Between 1945 and 1961 there was no physical boundary between the two sections。

West Berlin had been rebuilt into a thriving modern metropolis, while East Berlin was drab and still full of ruins from the war。

Fed up with this existence and the restrictive nature of the communist government, many East Germans simply walked into West Berlin and established a new life there。

East German officials realized that this would make their country unsustainable, so they hastily built the wall and posted guards with orders to shoot anyone attempting to cross。

Since the structure was still fairly simple many attempted the crossing anyway。

Most were successful, but some were killed in the process。

With each escape upgrades were made until it became two walls separated by roughly 100 feet。

Between the two walls was a zone ominously known as the death strip, a barren stretch of sand filled with landmines, vehicle traps and guard towers。

Anyone caught there was shot on sight。

The Berlin Wall went right through residential and commercial areas。

It literally cut through buildings, down the middle of streets… even a church was left right in the middle of the death strip。

Berliners were separated by less than half a football field but were a world apart。

There were some escapes over the years。

Most involved creative ways to get over or under the wall, or through the checkpoints — getting through the barricade itself was nearly impossible。

In 1989, when East German officials announced that travel restrictions would be reduced, Berliners on both sides of the wall took that statement literally and started destroying it。

Within just a few weeks the massive structure was completely gone。

There are a few memorial remnants, but Berliners hated it so much they simply couldn't get rid of it quickly enough。


















6.Hadrian's Wall6.哈德良长城By the early 2nd century the Roman Empire had expanded to include most of the island now known as Great Britain. In preparation for a visit from Emperor Hadrian, local officials and military leaders decided they weren't willing to risk an invasion from northern barbarians, so they constructed a wall approximately 80 miles long from the North Sea to the Irish Sea. Finding suitable materials in the barren landscape was no easy task, so it was primarily constructed from stone and earthen mounds. There were garrisons and outposts strategically placed along the route. It was arguably the most successful barrier on this list, as there were no breaches. However, most historians agree that there was never really a serious threat either. Today it's Northern England's most visited tourist destination.公元2世纪初,罗马帝国的疆域已扩张到了我们现在知道的大不列颠。

在准备迎接哈德良皇帝到大不列颠视察的工作时,当地官员和军事领导人因不愿意冒险抵抗北方野蛮人的入侵,所以他们决定建一堵跨越北海和爱尔兰海,长约80 英里(约129千米)的城墙。



